Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 12- Archer-Take that Marcothon

Last night I verified the hourly forecast for this morning.  At 6:00 am the temperature was forecasted to be 4 degrees (at it was).  I weighted out running before the conference started or waiting until I arrived home later tonight where it was forecasted to be a hot 16 degrees.  Would I want to run when I get home probably not, but I would because we are trying not to let Tabitha drop us still early in the race.  I laid out the layers, did a test fit of a new technical wool windproof fleece to see if it could fit over my Siberian layers (it did).

When I woke up to early, I kept going over my options for a route.  One was to run laps around the hotel until Mapmyride announces three miles and head straight indoors.  Or do a short out and back, then run through the big parking lots.  I opted for the second.  Layered up, breathing through a fleece hood, I headed South from the hotel, ran out a sidewalk so I had to run in a worn down strip in the grass on the side of road.  Frozen drinks that were frozen to the ground almost took me out many times.  I turned around after the app said “1 mile”.  I ran back then went further North running through Lowes and to the back of Walmart.  Halfway back through Walmart’s lot, the app announced 3 miles and I let out a “shit!” I was a half mile from the hotel still and the wind was against me.

3.49 miles in 39:17, no pictures, to cold.  While running, I remember the opposite temperature extreme 95 F with a heat index of 112 F for my first road triathlon this summer.  Here’s to moving in extreme conditions.DSCN0891

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