After 31 cold days....
All done...with frozen sweat next to my hair and ear....lovely! |
wait..."cold" isn't the best adjective to describe this.
Let's try this again.
After 31 challenging, cold, frigid, subzero, sleepless, stressful, invigorating, busy, therapeutic, laundry-filled, marcothon days, I can finally say - I DID IT!
Joel and Jeff's "Happy Dance" |
I honestly have to put this feat up with my 8 marathons. The challenge of getting out the door every single day is something I honestly I didn't think I had in me. Not only was it getting out the door, it was massive amounts of laundry, one of the WORST Chicago Decembers in years, and a busy work/family/holiday season. I ran many with my Marco-Maniac comrades: Joel, Jeff, Priscilla, Eric, Rick, Gerard, and Jason - and many other faithful friends who joined us for weekday and weekend mileage in the horrendous weather and even the Midnight Straddle Runs including Eric Z, Gavin, Kim, Mark, Meghan, Pam, Megan, Kelly, and many other great partners in the
HFCRC running family! I also drug out my family on one occasion to join me, and even have Steve M. to thank for "roping" me into this Marcothon from the beginning! (PS..Steve - we need to set a date next week for some post-Marco beer to commiserate!)
It may appear to be quite the love-hate relationship. Because honestly, it has been. My mileage was higher than any December in my last 10 years of running. 123.3 miles. This is the 3rd highest mileage month of 2013: August: 167.6, July 127.5, December 123.3
Marcothon 2013 | |
123.3 mi
Month of December 2013 |
Month of December 2013 |
Calories Burned
Month of December 2013 |
Average Pace
8:52 per mi
Month of October 2013 |
Elevation Climb
12,974 ft
Month of December 2013 |
| |
Month of December 2013 |
But to be honest, I was always thankful at the end of each and every run to have "made it". Having bundled up for anywhere from 3-10 miles each and every day, outside every single damn time, and have come out on the other side without even one pound gained over the holiday season. NEVER in my life has that happened...EVER.
On the lake at Izaak Walton with Jeff, Kim, Priscilla and Joel |
I reflect back on this month and it wasn't an injury or the weather that really ever got in my way though.
I almost stood in my way of getting out there each and every day. It was about
me finding time for
ME. I often prioritize work, family, and everyone and everything else - except me. Did my sleep sacrifice? - yep - at times (like the
double straddle midnight run I did alone early in the month because that was the ONLY time to do it!). Did I get to see new places that I might have not experienced? Yep -
Chicago's lakefront, and my hometown of
Raymond. I also made even better friends on the trails and became a better mom and wife. I feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually.... And that helps everyone.
"If Mamma Ain't Happy, Ain't NOBODY Happy!"
We did it! Jeff, Priscilla, Eric and I
I know one thing for sure, tomorrow I am doing NOTHING. Seriously - I plan to relax and not think once about running. That is the plan. However, I know I'll be antsy and itching to get back out there. We joke that this is a "sickness". It honestly is. Seeing new sights, teaching my family to live a healthy lifestyle, and keeping my mind happy and healthy is just some of the benefits that running has brought to my life.
What will my next marathon, race, or adventure be? I have absolutely no idea. I plan to begin my Marcothon hangover (aka...couchothon) tomorrow and we'll just see what's next.
What a ride....I've secretly loved every stinkin' day of it :)
(shh....don't tell anyone)
Today's Run Data and Map
HERE - it was a balmy 7 degrees (windchill of -8 degrees!!!) once again.
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