Planned on a morning trail run but ran short on time, plus no access to car. My wife went with me to the Calumet Harley Davidson Holiday Party at the owners home in Hammond. On the drive over we agreed to a departure time because Izaak Walton Preserve was calling my name. This was particularly true with a slight snow all afternoon. Finally after half of a week of Arctic temperatures, we had a forecast of snow that was materializing. After a couple of hours at the party, both Abigail and I were getting antsy especially since they hadn't done the "all employee" picture or passed out cards with a monetary thank you from the owners. I left Chuck that we needed to run and thanks for hosting the holiday party. He had us hold up for a moment to get my card. Chuck is such a dynamic person in how he runs the dealership, deals with people, and gives to the community (on the Board for the local Boys and Girls Club).
Home and a quick change for running in what seems would be a snow shower. I hopped right on the trail going to the right after entering. Someone was just ahead of me and went to the right. With the nice snow shower is full swing, I decided to take my touring pace and snap a few shots. About a 1/2 mile from my start point, I crossed the guy who was running in the opposite direction. Damn I must be running slowed because he didn't appear to running very fast. When I reached the start point on the trail I was at 44 minutes for 3.6 mile. Inner competition and channeling my spin instructor I decided that I needed to pick up the pace big time. Stowing the camera away in the jacket, it was time to run to the point where I start to hear my breath. It worked as I clocked the 3.6 my loop in 32:40, plenty fast in the snow on trails.
Finally something the ladies can't do while running, grow a snow beard! |
We are now just past a quarter of the way through the month of Marcothon. My friends are going strong and I will keep trod-ding along. It's really more about making the time, because let's be honest, 3 miles a days is not the issue (barring injuries of course).
Definitely can't grow a snow beard.