Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 14–Archer–Fun running with the crew in the snow

Before this year, there were only a couple people that I ran with.  Bart on the track and streets in Hyde Park and Eric Z.  Then I found out about the Homewood Flossmoor Community Running Club (HFCRC) in the late Spring.  I wasn’t able to make as many group runs with them as I wanted, but enough to have made friends with some fantastic people DSCN1374who happen to be runners as well.  Running with them doesn’t allow me to be the slacker I often am when running solo.  Just being around them makes me a better runner, and it’s just down right fun.

The messages were going around about who all were doing the Saturday morning run that would start at Walt's.  7:00 am turned out to be the time most were going to run.  After dogs duty and placing a thermos for the wife in the bedroom, I made the run to Walt's.  The snow was already deep, but my subdivision’s streets had already been plowed.  There is an advantage to living in the same subdivision as the mayor. 

I suggested that we run back to my subdivision to run since the streets would be better andDSCN1375 off we went.  Homewood also plows the sidewalks on 183 between the Governors Highway and the underpass.  If you run the perimeter of Homewood Estate/Dolphin Lake, you can get in two mile loops without crossing any streets.  The snow didn’t slow down the speedsters by much. I bounced around between groups to make sure everyone made the right turns.DSCN1378



After two laps, the bulk of the group headed back to Walt's while Joel and Sam did another lap.  I went back to Walt’s with the group since a few were going to Sweet Annie’s for a treat. How could I pass that up?  The only disappointment was they were out of Chocolate Croissants.

4.36 miles in 44.45, this doesn’t include the mile run from home to Walt's.

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