Today's run was planned with fellow Marcothon blogger and HFCRC member Rick Uecker.
We were to meet at 11:30 AM, but I spent a bit of time messing with the camera. Slippery snow and the running shoe self-shot are hard to get right.

As loosely planned, we met somewhere in the middle and headed out on a 3-4 mile route. Pace was not discussed, and after 8 days of running, I personally liked it this way.
We made our way to the center of town (this is Archer's turn-around, so I again expected we might run into him here).
I have photographed this sculpture in every season, and run by it several times a week. I love the way she is always looking to the sky. In the warmth of spring and summer, she appears to be holding her head out in affirmation of the day. On days like this, with the snow swirling around her face and landing on her (closed?) eyelids, I take her expression to be that of resolve. There is a running metaphor in here somewhere.
I took a picture of the sign first, but like this picture of Rick taking his own a bit better. I think there is a Marcothon metaphor in here somewhere.
And just like that, we were done. Time well spent, talking, moving, and holding our heads up to the falling snow. I am reminded that more of these runs should be in the company of friends.
Agreed. Runs like this make it so much easier. And a heck of a lot more fun.